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Manufacturing Business For Sale in Carstairs, AB (Listing ID: 3118)

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Innovative Art Display Systems unique in Canada

Providing professional, flexible, innovative display needs to individual artists, guilds and groups, schools and universities, galleries, and event centers. Easy-way Art Display is complete with highly versatile panel options, lighting solutions, and hanging systems that clients can add to as their needs evolve.

Listing includes active Shopify Store, Product Inventory, Shipping Inventory, Marketing Material Layouts in PS/Pages/Numbers, Photography, Specs, Employee Manuals, Supply Chain List, Cost Spreadsheets, Clientel List, Ready to go Social Media Posts (New), and Industrial Sewing Machine.

$25,000 CAD

Carstairs, AB Manufacturing Business For Sale Details


Company Name:

Easy-way Art Display

Legal Body:

Sole Proprietor

Business Reg #

840458525 RT0001

Established In:


Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 44,654

Annual Earnings:

To Be Discussed

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

*DISCLAIMER: BuyAndSellABusiness.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information shown.