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Marketing/Advertising Business For Sale in Chicago, IL (Listing ID: 3455)

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Profitable E-commerce marketing SaaS company

Profitable SaaS with $8,000 in TTM revenue and $5,000 in TTM profit that offers the first advertising platform for eCommerce, without ads. This platform allows you to make your customers your sales team, by turning them into your biggest referral partners. We offer a suite of products that allow e-commerce users to redeem point-based rewards through:
- Referrals
- Reviews
- Loyalty

$8,000 in TTM revenue
$5,000 in TTM profit
$500 in revenue last month
$450 in profit last month

$25,000 USD

Chicago, IL Marketing/Advertising Business For Sale Details


Company Name:

Delight Rewards

Legal Body:


Established In:


Proprietary Assets:

Proprietary code, domains, existing customers, database of thousands of qualified e-commerce businesses

Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 500

Annual Earnings:

$ 8,000

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

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