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Landscaping/Gardening Business For Sale in Calgary, AB (Listing ID: 3878)

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80% Recurring Revenue Snow Removal Landscaping Business For Sale

Pre approved for financing. We help buyers seek financing with a minimum of 10% cash required.

All equipment valued at over $150k is included in the sale price and is enough to run two full crews and in excellent working condition.

This successful landscaping business enjoys a 36% SDE with 80% of its revenue coming from recurring customers.

The company enjoys a 96% Star Score on Homestars with an average customer rating of 10/10. They have also won 4 awards.

This business is run from home and maintains a low overhead.

Their team is comprised of reliable, experienced workers including a crew lead/manager who is self-sufficient and a high performer.

The business utilizes industry leading software. The software runs all jobs, quotes, pay and tracking of jobs as well as new leads and conversion of new leads. The software is called Jobber.

This business offers year-round packages for their clients including summer lawn care, winter snow removal, and spring/fall leaf and debris cleanup.

The owner has added in new revenue streams such as junk removal and continues to look for new opportunities such as window cleaning, snow plow etcetera.

$325,000 CAD

Calgary, AB Landscaping/Gardening Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:


Established In:


Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 281,770

Annual Earnings:

$ 64,290

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

*DISCLAIMER: BuyAndSellABusiness.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information shown.