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Retail Business For Sale in Confidential, NB (Listing ID: 3906)

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Thriving High-Tech Security Device Retail and Services

This reputable High-Tech Security Device Retail and Services business provides a comprehensive range of products and services to meet the security needs of residential, commercial, and automotive customers across New Brunswick.

The company boasts in their specialized top-tier security solutions that safeguard what matters most.

Some key highlights:
- Established brand identity and reputation.
- Fully stocked inventory of high-quality security products.
- Existing customer relationships and ongoing contracts.
- Expert owner willing to train a new owner to ensure a smooth transition.

The sale is structured as an Asset sale. By completing the NDA and becoming a qualified buyer, we'll be happy to send you a full Offering Memorandum that will answer most, if not all, of your questions.

$375,000 CAD

Confidential, NB Retail Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:


Established In:


Gross Revenue:

To Be Discussed

Annual Earnings:

$ 260,000

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

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