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Fashion/Apparel Relocatable Business For Sale (Listing ID: 3941)

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Fashion Premium Lingerie Brand For Sale

Founded in 2020, This E-Commerce Business shows an interesting investment opportunity as a successful fashion E-Commerce store, with a very strong brand identity and growing market focusing on lingerie and swimwear. The items have a rating of 4.9/5. With a dropshipping concept, the ecommerce store does not require increased operational time and is easy to manage.

Over the course of its 4 years journey, the business has consistently witnessed a steady performance, both in terms of revenue and customer base.
Generating a remarkable USD 615K in total Sales, USD 156K Sales TTM and USD 25K TTM Net profit.

With such performance, it promises a robust return on investment, making it a compelling choice for any discerning investor. Delivering impressive results throughout the years with a 4.9* review rating out of 5, we take pride in our 4K customers and 18.5K Instagram followers. Our reach extends across platforms like Meta and Influencer Marketing. With high-quality products and large product choice, our business has generated a loyal target audience, establishing itself as a trusted go-to choice for those that prioritize quality and sustainability for themselves and others.

$79,000 USD

Relocatable Fashion/Apparel Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:


Established In:


Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 156,000

Annual Earnings:

$ 25,000

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

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