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Toys/Games Relocatable Business For Sale (Listing ID: 3988)

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Successful 3.5 Year Old Kids' Toy Business for Sale

Opportunity Overview

Explore an exciting investment opportunity in a rapidly growing kids' toy business, established in 2021. This venture has quickly gained popularity with its unique niche offerings of high-quality products and diverse options. Renowned for its loyal customer base and repeat orders, it stands out with its commitment to delivering top-notch, engaging toys for children.

Financial Highlights

Strong Performance: Over the past 12 months, the business earned $455K in revenue and $87K in profit, with total revenue reaching $1.3M.

Exceptional Growth Trends: Revenue grew by 39.2% from 2021 to 2022 and by 54.8% in 2023, demonstrating impressive growth.

Social Media Success: With 9K Instagram followers, the business connects effectively with its audience.

Strong Marketing: A multi-channel strategy, including Meta Ads, Google Ads, and Email marketing, supports broad audience reach.

Efficient Dropshipping Model: The dropshipping model minimizes inventory risks and overhead costs.

Why Acquire?

The business offers strong financials, a growing customer base, and significant growth potential. A Marketing & E-Commerce Manager could stay on for a new owner if desired.

$129,000 USD

Relocatable Toys/Games Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:

Limited Liability Partnership

Business Reg #


Established In:


Proprietary Assets:

Domain name, Customer Database, Advertising Accounts, Social Media Accounts

Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 455,000

Annual Earnings:

$ 87,000

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

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