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Manufacturing Business For Sale in Confidential, NS (Listing ID: 4004)

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Specialty Manufacturer With Exceptional Growth

For nearly 25 years, this well established specialty manufacturing team has proven itself to be creative, flexible, and reliable in the various projects they have undertaken. Their capabilities to adapt to changes and opportunities are deeply storied, and often quite exciting.

You will like this company for it's "Yes we can" attitude and all that comes to those who are open and flexible to the many unique opportunities that exist.

Today, they have just begun one of their most rewarding projects yet. In just 8 weeks (as of July 31, 2023) since committing to their next product variation, the company has secured over $2MM in sales (50% down upfront payment) for a specific line of boat that delivers incredible margins, which is supported by a longstanding proven track record in its specific space, and a offers a market demand that many would agree is well in excess of $50MM per year. They have only just begun to scratch the surface and it's come at a time when the owner was preparing for retirement. Timing is everything and we are in search of the right buyer who is experienced and capitalized to reap the rewards of what is waiting.

$3,090,000 CAD

Confidential, NS Manufacturing Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:


Established In:


Gross Revenue:

To Be Discussed

Annual Earnings:

$ 2,450,000

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

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