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Travel/Leisure Business For Sale in Venice, FL (Listing ID: 4023)

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Safety Boat Business For Sale - asset sale

3 boat designs that can be capsized and still run and website.
It doesn't matter how expensive a boat or yacht is, if it is capsized it isn't functionable and can kill you...

except with these three designs that isn't the case anymore!

This isn't a business, but assets. Perfect for boatbuilding business.

$3,000,000 USD

Venice, FL Travel/Leisure Business For Sale Details


Company Name:

3 boat designs that can be capsized and still run and website

Legal Body:


Established In:


Proprietary Assets:


Gross Revenue:

$ 1

Annual Earnings:

$ 1

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:

Limited Resources

Financing Available:


Buyer needs to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer needs specific industry experience.

Buyer's networth must be greater than $20,000,000.00

*DISCLAIMER: BuyAndSellABusiness.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information shown.