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Software/SaaS Business For Sale in Chicago, IL (Listing ID: 762)


High Quality Photo Editing App with 3.5 Years of History

For sale is a high quality, well-crafted photo editing app created in 2013. The app was created with the goal of being easy to use for the average person. The creators did not want to skimp on the features so the app was created with the functions of major leading photo apps.

The app has grown strong through its organic downloads and a solid loyal customer base. Dedication and passion has led the app to amassing over 6 million downloads (11K DAU combined across iOS and Android) and becoming the number 1 photo app in over 30 countries worldwide.

A major update for the sources code was just completed for iOS11. Therefore the source codes will not need to be updated for a good stretch of time.

Highlights & Key Assets:

- High Quality Photo editing applications with unparalleled photo editing power
- Trademark for app name
- Monthly passive revenue
- Limited time commitment
- Growing international user base with constant organic downloads
- Strong customer loyalty
- Consistent organic downloads
- Opportunity for growth

$150,000 USD

Chicago, IL Software/SaaS Business For Sale Details


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