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Automotive Relocatable Business For Sale (Listing ID: 4027)

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Car Accessories Business For Sale

Production happens in Kenya. Key Highlights: - Carbon Collecting Vehicle Accessories is an e-commerce store that focuses on selling eco-friendly vehicle accessories that collect and clean carbon from the air. - The company is monetized through product sales and affiliate partnerships with sustainable transportation companies. - Key platforms utilized by Carbon Collecting Vehicles include e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and affiliate marketing programs. Operations: Carbon Collecting Vehicles generates revenue through multiple channels, primarily through sales of eco-friendly vehicle accessories on their e-commerce website. The company sources products from various manufacturers and suppliers that align with their mission of sustainability. In addition to direct sales, Carbon Collecting Vehicles also earns income through affiliate partnerships with companies that offer sustainable transportation solutions. By promoting these partners' products and services, Carbon Collecting Vehicles receives a commission for each sale generated through their platform. Customers: The target demographic for Carbon Collecting Vehicles includes environmentally-conscious consumers.

$1,499,000 USD

Relocatable Automotive Business For Sale Details


Company Name:


Legal Body:


Established In:


Proprietary Assets:


Last Year of Completed Statements


Gross Revenue:

$ 721,573

Annual Earnings:

$ 598,835

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:

Change of Heart

Financing Available:


Buyer needs to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer needs specific industry experience.

Buyer's networth must be greater than $3,000,000.00

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