A store for women who want to congratulate their men.
- narrow, unique niche: jewelry gifts for men, with a text greeting
- high margin, for example - Base price: $13.90, Sale price: $59.95
- automated inventory management processes
- high quality jewelry, packaging, and service - ShineOn platform rating in Shopify-appstore: 4,95,0 (104)
- payment for Shopify-store - 1$3 months, starting from October 29
- my support for 6 months
- the jewelry market is forecast to grow from $235 billion in 2021 to $354 billion in 2029
- Shopify-store
- ShineOn account - jewelry print on demand platform, connected with Shopify-store
- Logo and Branding Assets
- Facebook group for support, and possibly for ordering designs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeespringNewbies
- an easy way to find and uniqueize the text of wishes
Reason for sale:
- I cannot connect payment methods for a Shopify store while in Ukraine, payment systems are not available.
Growth opportunity
- expanding the assortment of goods;
- expansion of greeting options
- expansion of geography
$450 USD